Edu Network @ Etmaal 2022
At the Etmaal 2022, NeFCA’s Educational Network organized an online session where communication scholars shared their experiences and research insights on active teaching in a blended learning context. Three presentations were given:
- It takes two: the role of co-regulation in building students’ self-regulated learning skills – Léonie Ridderstap and Jeroen Jansz
- Een didactisch kader voor kwalitatieve mediatekstsanalyse – Niels Bibert and Bieke Zaman
- Digitaal jeugdwerk in Vlaanderen: Praktijken, ervaringen en de impact van COVID-19 – Lotte Vermeire, Wendy Van den Broeck and Ilse Mariën
We are grateful to the chair, Wendy Van den Broeck (VUB), and each of the presenters for their valuable contribution to an interesting and inspiring session. The presentations and the discussions that followed were perfectly in line with the aim of the Educational Network, which is to create a forum for colleagues to exchange ideas and experiences on educational matters in the field of communication. Yet it needs to be said that the number of attendees was low. We will therefore look for strategies to increase our visibility and appeal to the members of NeFCA, as we want to reach all those who manage and teach communication science degree programs at Bachelor’s, Master’s, Research Master’s, and postgraduate levels.