This pre-conference is organized by the NeFCA Divisions Organizational Communication and Journalism. It will be held on the morning before the start of Etmaal 2020, February 6, in Amsterdam.

Since the late 1980s and early 1990s, the concept of framing has gained wide attention in the field of journalism studies. Frames have been located in different phases of the communication process. They can form part of a news text, but they also reside in the minds of sources, journalists and the public. Research on the frame-building phase shows that the selection of media frames in the news is influenced or even co-produced by ’frame sponsors’ including sources and the public. In terms of distinguishing frames in messages, researchers have applied both inductive and deductive methods, and both qualitative textual analysis and quantitative content analysis. Other researchers concentrate on the frame-setting phase and the effect phase. Experimental research often detects a change in cognitive and/or affective responses. Nevertheless, critical voices question the action of framing effects and their duration.

Besides in journalism studies, however, framing plays an increasingly important role in the field of public relations. The organizational reputation can be affected by the frames employed by three relevant parties, namely the media, the public and the organizations themselves. First, the media use framing in their coverage of organizational activities, such as corporate social responsibility efforts or crises. Second, organizations can be affected by the manner in which the public builds frames involving the organization and its activities. Social media provide us all with opportunities to engage in the process of public frame building. Finally, organizations themselves can actively use framing to convey a message in a particular way as a part of their public relations efforts. Hence, organizations use framing in an attempt to attract favorable media coverage and influence public perceptions. Research has not only examined the way in which each of these three parties frame organizational issues but also the degree to which their frames align.

Following from these observations, the NeFCA organizational communication division and journalism division are curious to discuss the latest research on framing in journalism and/or PR, as well as perspectives on framing in these or related research domains. We are especially interested in framing research on the intersection between journalism studies and organizational communication, for example, research reflecting on how organizational frames are built and integrated into media and/or audience frames, or how organizations try to counter media frames. Interested colleagues are invited to submit an abstract with a maximum of 500 words (references included).

The pre-conference starts with a keynote by framing expert prof. dr. Baldwin Van Gorp and is followed by presentations of researchers with accepted abstracts.

The pre-conference is free of charge.

Contact: prof. dr. An-Sofie Claeys (KU Leuven), prof. dr. Sarah Van Leuven (UGent), prof. dr. Wannes Heirman (UA)

On behalf of the NeFCA Organizational Communication and Journalism divisions:

dr. Piet Verhoeven (UvA)
prof. dr. Wannes Heirman (UA)
prof. dr. An-Sofie Claeys (KU Leuven)
Fynn Gerken (UA)
prof. dr. Sarah Van Leuven (UGent)
dr. Annelore Deprez (UGent & Artevelde Hogeschool)
dr. Pytrik Schafraad (UvA)
dr. Bernadette Kester (EUR)
Kenza Lamot (UA)