PhD Vacancy @ University of Amsterdam

We are seeking a PhD candidate for the project “Commercially instigated media capture and the consequences for journalistic performance: Biting the hand that feeds you?” This is a 4-year PhD project, in which the PhD candidate will investigate the dynamics and effects of commercially instigated media capture on journalistic outputs, citizen trust, policy, and individual journalists in the European context.

The PhD track is part of two programme groups embedded in the Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR, department of Communication Science) at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, University of Amsterdam: “Corporate Communication” and “Political Communication & Journalism”. You will be working under the supervision of Mark Boukes, Katjana Gattermann, Olga Eisele, and Kathleen Beckers.

More information on this vacancy can be found here.

Deadline: 16th of August, 2024