Call for Papers: Journalism Studies Issue on “Social Media Journalism and the Relationship Between its Characteristics, Constraints and Contingencies” Continue ReadingCall for Papers: Journalism Studies Issue on “Social Media Journalism and the Relationship Between its Characteristics, Constraints and Contingencies”
Call for unpublished work: Systematic review on digital divide in mobile interventions for diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior Continue ReadingCall for unpublished work: Systematic review on digital divide in mobile interventions for diet, physical activity, and sedentary behavior
Call for papers Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap: Influencer Marketing (Dutch Only) Continue ReadingCall for papers Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap: Influencer Marketing (Dutch Only)
Last chance to register for the offline Etmaal on September 9! Continue ReadingLast chance to register for the offline Etmaal on September 9!
Event: Who is one of “us”? Social markers of acceptance and creating more inclusive societies for migrants Continue ReadingEvent: Who is one of “us”? Social markers of acceptance and creating more inclusive societies for migrants
Vacancy: Assistant Professor Communication & Information Science @ VU University (in Dutch) Continue ReadingVacancy: Assistant Professor Communication & Information Science @ VU University (in Dutch)