Dear NeFCA community, dear colleagues
We go online… for now!
While had hoped to see all of you in person in Brussels in February, we have decided to move the Etmaal 2022 online. The continuing uncertainty regarding COVID-19 safety regulations make planning extremely difficult.
We have decided to organize the Etmaal conference online on 10 and 11 February 2022, including an exciting keynote by Professor Natali Helberger. The review and program committee is currently finalizing the reviews and everyone will be notified before the Christmas break.
But… as we remain hopeful for a positive trend in 2022 we do plan a live symposium in Brussels on 9 September 2022. This will not only be an occasion to organize a social event but also to gather around thematic workshops and a plenary debate. This way we hope to cover both the intellectual and social aspects of Etmaal and to avoid large organizational (and budgetary) risks.
Hence the registration fees will include both the online and offline event. However, in case the live event in September cannot take place because of COVID-19 circumstances, we will contact everyone to reimburse the registration fee. The registration system will open in early January.
We hope you understand this difficult decision and are grateful for the continuing support of the NeFCA Board.
Warm wishes from Brussels,
The Etmaal Brussels team
The NeFCA Board